
2011 China's online game degree of adhesion and life survey

Online games currently include large-scale wow gold online games, multiplayer games, web games, and some mobile games. Large-scale online game in which the traditional sense of the online games, mainly for role-playing type, the screen effect, the game has such a large data size advantage, representative works are currently in the network has a great influence on the game "World of Warcraft . "
Multiplayer games including casual games and play against two stand-alone game, the game type involves more extensive, racing, shooting, sports, real-time strategy, first person shooters and other types of which are covered, such as "Warcraft", "anti-terrorism elite "," Pro Evolution Soccer "and other stand-alone game in the Internet gaming, as well as including QQ games, including wow gold ,a large number of casual games.
Web games include both large-scale online games like role-playing games, including the current widespread concern of the social game, the former for example, "Qi-Xiong hegemony," "war Warring States", the latter including "Happy Manor," and so on.
Highlights of the report
● multiplayer online games have a higher degree of user participation.
● More than half of online games for a single user life of three months or less.
● game on the user's current page is too low adhesion.
● Game time is not the majority of users daily more than three hours.
● large-scale online games for a single user has a longer life.
● slow updates online games at this stage a common problem.
Participation in different types of online games
Participation in domestic online game market is the highest degree of multiplayer games, these games include "Cross Fire", "DOTA" and other large PC game, but also to a large number of QQ Games is casual games on behalf of the network under investigation game users in nearly 80% of users participate in the last year, too many people play against the game.
Followed by the traditional large-scale online games. In such games, "World of Warcraft," the participation is much higher than other similar large-scale online games, "Forsaken," "Fantasy Westward Journey" and other games also have a higher participation. From the overall situation, the domestic online game users to participate in large-scale second only to multiplayer games, user participation was 75.6%.

Relatively speaking, web users to participate in the game is low, but reached 57.3%, farms and other social games in which QQ is widely recognized by users, followed by "Qi-Xiong hegemony," "war Warring States" and other strategy games.
Average life expectancy for a single user

Of life refers to the user in a single user to give up before a game, in the duration of the game. Reflects the life of a single user games attractive to users, but also affect whether a game can be sustained, healthy development.

The domestic online game for a single user lower the average life expectancy. In the user to give up the game, more than half the life of the game for a single user only three diablo3 gold months. Lack of long-term development planning game, short-sighted domestic online games in production and operation of a drawback, also contributed to the lack of content updates slow a major reason for such phenomena.

From the specific survey data, 26.5% of users give up an average of one a game within a month, 27.9% of users at an average 1-3 months to give up a game, the game one year after the loss of customers account for only 18.8 %.

