
Earth fission: Blood Elf Arcane tribes use the experience

Select the Master itself is the beginning for "stand than security, the output will not ugly, sexy style suit, skills gorgeous, the best casual stroll over the world," such intention, but also online through its own law career choice since most ofreasons. In addition to the brain does not know no 123, needs to worry about anything else. wow gold  really good, however, put together my idea of ​​playing online games of all kinds, and begin the real intentions of their role in manipulating them.
WOW do not speak here about the other great truths, just a simple game on my experience for the next share, especially specific to CTM4.1 version of tribal blood elves Austrian law. Austrian output is simple, suitable for novice practice, but started his wow gold  one of the best female swim home. Again, "any discrepancies is not responsible."
[Race selection]
If you choose this career tribal Master, the first recommendation in this race the Blood Elves (amount, not because the body along the same good pace adorable light gas field full of reasons for this minor), mainly because of its expertise with race "Arcane Torrent" This one, compared to the other two "Arcane Affinity" and "magic resistance", for an output of professional Nothing HP regen control blue more important.
Arcane Torrent
Blood Elves can be interrupted by magic, to a radius of 8 yards all around the enemy caster silence for 2 seconds (non-player class enemy silence 3 seconds), and respond to 6% of mana.
Instant, 2 min cooldown.
Although Arcane Torrent can interrupt the technology used to make, but the caster as the center itself is cast for the highest stakes battle in order to benefit from the output of the Austrian law is concerned just like chicken, so they requested that moves with the remote Master skills to interrupt the command are two goods, unless the release groups such as Gu Jiaer worship, when we concentrated stations, as well as point of significance. Austrian law, the control field is a bit weak, will be mentioned later.
4.2 version of the idea that such a talent tree (although not too many 60 to 80 years of feelings, I still firmly believe that the Chinese version of World of Warcraft has been the operator of a small smart-made under the more institutionalized, and only a copy of CTM in contrast to random WLK play and many professional attributes can be found on comparing the foundation has been moved), so that Ao Fache end goodbye to the "cold blood" in this rapidly nirvana, though, that "life blood" of changes to make herbs gurus talk to comfort, then talk about Austrian professional choice.
I believe that most WOWER tend to increase their own understanding of the most distinctive talent points, although the space has been let players play plummeted from 71 points to 31 points, you understand. Frost can not open more talent to Austrian law, the storm itself, not from how to become completely destroyed, only in the most compelling when the mobs with a remote spike."Strengthen the Arcane Explosion" At the moment there must be timely to save the Austrian AOE, the legendary Gujia Er smoothly thanks to Austrian law, pressed into P2-depth his life for justice group invincible enemy magic burst, four-state contributions to six seconds Arcane magic burst power should not be overlooked, lethal range of 10 yards with the ice ring can use to protect Austrian law to get out. At the same time "to strengthen the Arcane Explosion" makes magic burst more quickly, reducing the provincial blue and hatred, should regain the Austrian law before being completely disdain the close AOE skills as soon as possible skilled moves and tactics to battle with (care Please pass the value of the second injury).
Other emerging talent of the more arcane magic was undoubtedly the "enhanced Blink, Improved Mana stones, empty spiral" of the three. Oh, there will be accelerated pro flash, good skills necessary to escape a life-saving pro-oh, all kinds of groups can not afford to destroy the Master is dead, oh ~ ~ eat pro-spell gem will rise Oh, pro, the sooner eat up the more pro-oh ~ ~ no longer have to pull out of gear with a special pro-oh, you play as long as the rushing out Austrian are you automatically slow down on the pro-oh, to see who is still chasing with the Austrian law on the PK Oh pro ~ ~
Other plus points more obvious talent I will not mention.
This version completely so that the inscriptions dolls plunge himself, and off ha ha ha ha, Glyph has learned to become life-long skills did not forget, all of the time. After three laps into the medium and small, and not necessarily how much more practical things ah ~
Austrian first to talk about Glyph had first reference to "Mage Armor" This new skills in order to reduce the duration of DOT in exchange for every 5 seconds or 3% of the total blue is very cost-effective, coupled with "increased by 20% mana regeneration effect "of the glyph, bluing of the Austrian law under normal circumstances would not appear empty CD case of the blue sky. Although Frost Armor Glyph has blue every 5 seconds 2% of the total welfare, but apparently used to take care of PK.
Shun that reason that this version of the powerful Austrian law, which is about as blue and skills to effectively control, measure and more reason back to blue, plus magic expert "proficient" appears, HP, the more attached to play the extra injury to increase exponentially, high speed, high Blue high output values ​​into the front of the Austrian DPS strong guarantee.
Glyph of Mana Shield to say, just is not enough to reduce the cooling time is not enough, ah, ah; enchantment spell before combined to become "Master of Enchantment," and increase arcane damage absorption, but no ice in most no fire and no copy of Arcane damage, I still customary to open the Mana Shield do not dare to open, all to the limited HP into the infinite DPS and going and going ah ah, you can not modify about to make bold Austrian law a shield of his own what, there's no thin layer of pit feel then ah ~ ah Yikan
Long hard road for the T11 Come the distant: Every group in this randomized courage +7 points, the first time Leo Ballard Palatine prison this group, around the opening for the new epic prestige worship and Enchanting daily. Are every Tuesday starting from the theme of change.
Austrian law still follows the standard panel values ​​hit first, followed by rapid compliance, and a third around the spirit is not high and the control of a bad case of blue, not the best choice proficient. Intellectual strength in high-profile edition appeared in place of magic, who is also the law is strong, crit, HP limit the effectiveness of the three, had mad heap.
Therefore the gems and enchants, the Austrian intelligence to decisively choose. Other spare parts and SP, if ZL already, also received a few pieces of equipment without losing the spirit of a wise move. At the same time as making a copy to the equipment level restrictions, cargo Need the best back in the lower body, as the case decided upon the current exchange.
The recast should also be proficient in crit --- --- --- hit this rapid sequence of coordination.
4 +1 Arcane output is still valid, but the 4 layers of 150% mana loss had to consider the skills, beheaded unless the outbreak of the stage, is not recommended without brain Austrian red. As the missile to damage the trigger, making the Austrian law more flexible and more time in PVP destruction.Normal copy of the mobs with a missile barrage + clean up the mess, the output gain are more effective (the value of the seconds wound care, please pass).
Way to learn, difficult to imitate consciousness. How moves can effectively prevent crushing treatment, maximum quantizer output, improve the team fault tolerance, every DPS needs to seriously consider, this test is to understand your current copy of the property, BOSS skills to understand, professional understanding of the team, his teammates character understand the terrain and a series of stations to determine the details of strength. Of course the most basic, is their career, every race has a skill used in conjunction with a full understanding.
Cattle are not the most legendary career, only the most cattle players, it is also true.
The emergence of the macro is designed to allow players to operate in a large RAID simplify, reduce errors, not once and for all things, it does not exist to determine what the current situation and automatically inspire the magic of coding skills.
Austrian law generally requires that the outbreak of the macro and back to blue macro. Outbreak of the mirror, Arcane, bundled free with the blood of life, opening rush out and beheaded for use. The Arcane Torrent, wake up together and then bundled with the release of Mana Gem mana potion together and wonders, you can ensure that the Austrian law for about 5 minutes in a battle to eliminate the phenomenon of empty blue.
The more important skills, such as refrigerators, stealth, bloodthirsty, are recommended to interrupt the current skills directly written release, will not ball dropped at the crucial moment. The Austrian red is always bound with the leisurely, you understand.
Another added, opening the outbreak and the outbreak of love is totally different hands, the DPS is love OT destroy mission artifacts, but also willing to open strange than T output cute and hate, let alone Austrian law is the gas given Austrian red. Self-control and self-discipline is very important.
Although only a coolie as the presence of a remote output, but can not stoop ah ~ ~ Self-introspection is a must!
Pull people: As the Master's always more convenient than the others return to the city, and so the first time to the pull of people is what makes sense owed.
Tables and BUFF: this will do the first thing into. Although the table into a pit now father of 5-minute CD, but 85 of the table bread, etc. for me to sit in traffic for a RAID Kendiao three groups is not surprising, as long as one does not explain to sit out of combat. Arcane wisdom of the whole group without wisdom, strength and HP only addition limit. Exchange with the Master, or to focus on the main TZL.
Output: Although the practice is still more than 352 equipment, etc. But at the same level LR and warfare, but in 25RAID, the second injury 14000 + into the output of the first eight or necessary.
Haemophilus: Because the emergence of space-time distortion, FS features and more diverse, and it seems more than some gorgeous SM bloodthirsty skills.
Control: deformation, deceleration, Counterspell to interrupt, magic draw steal BUFF. Technology in addition to frozen ice ring groups plus a remote Frost ring, 2 minutes cooling, instantaneous, for 12 seconds there, the enemy will be frozen after 10 seconds. LR deceleration compared to the trap, the effective slow ice ring, and the failure probability is relatively large. Maybe ice advantage.
Doors: Although you have wow gold a furnace slag, although you slag cooling as long as 15 minutes, but you still black from Stonard flying wing, flying from Uldum Fengshen throne, but also in scattered groups from the time of the back to the Auger Well.
YY and the concept of time: no headphones, and at any time say something directly off the assembly line, a collection of 7:30 until 9:00 on the line, 9 night party 10 party 11 points off the net off party 12 mother violent party, all can be released!
[Life Skills]
Austrian devaluation herbs and alchemical. 8 life blood, instant, 2 min cooldown, haste rating by 480 points for 20 seconds, equivalent to trigger a jewelry.
The picture with herbs like there's alchemy, be sure to Austrian law can enhance the usual mixture of endless use, as well as wartime self-sufficiency of the miraculous magic potion, dragon mental mixture, miraculous potions.
Best practice is also full of cooking, food output is for a state, when the drink syrup with RAID, is attitude.

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